The anime adaptation of Synecdoche's super popular manga, Elf-san wa Yaserarenai will premiere on 6 July. It will air first on on d Anime Store and DMM TV at 24:00 (Japan time). It will air again later that night on Tokyo MX. HIDIVE will stream the anime as it airs, and will also screen the...
While there have been several eateries devoted to One Piece in the past, there's one thing they all had in common: requiring a trip to Japan. No longer! America will soon have its first ever One Piece themed cafe, in Las Vegas, Nevada. With an opening date of May 11, it will feature dishes inspired...
Don't be distracted by Chrome's new redesign; there's another development under the hood that deserves your attention. Chrome is introducing a new ad platform known as the "Privacy Sandbox," and it's making a widespread debut today. If you haven't been following this development closely, here's what you need to know: This feature will track your...